1931 china floods wikipedia - EAS

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  1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The 1931 China floods, or the 1931 Yangtze–Huai River floods, occurred from June to August 1931 in China, hitting major cities such as Wuhan, Nanjing and beyond, which eventually culminated into a dike breach along Lake Gaoyou on 25 August 1931. Fatality estimates vary widely.
    Date: July–November 1931 (depending on river)
    Deaths: 422,499–4,000,000
    Location: Central and eastern China
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  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What was the name of the river that flooded in 1931?
    1931 China floods. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The 1931 China floods, or the 1931 Yangtze–Huai River floods, were a series of devastating floods that occurred in the Republic of China.
    What was the cause of the China floods in 1931?
    1931 China floods. The 1931 China floods or the 1931 Yellow River Floods were a series of floods that occurred in China in the year 1931. It is the most deadly natural disaster by death toll. About 145,000-3.7 million people were said to be dead in this series of floods. Cause. In the period of 1928-30 China faced a severe drought.
    What was the name of the river that flooded China?
    1931 China floods. The 1931 China floods or the 1931 Yangtze-Huai River floods were a series of devastating floods that occurred in the Republic of China.
    When did the Yangtze River flood happen?
    The 1931 China floods, or the 1931 Yangtze–Huai River floods, occurred from June to August 1931 in China, hitting major cities such as Wuhan, Nanjing and beyond, which eventually culminated into a dike breach along Lake Gaoyou on 25 August 1931. Fatality estimates vary widely.
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    Xem tất cả trên Wikipedia

    1931 China floods - Wikipedia


    The 1931 China floods, or the 1931 Yangtze–Huai River floods, occurred from June to August 1931 in China, hitting major cities such as Wuhan, Nanjing and beyond, which eventually culminated into a dike breach along Lake Gaoyou on 25 August 1931. Fatality estimates vary widely. A field survey


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    From 1928 to 1930, China was afflicted by a long drought. The subsequent winter of 1930 was particularly harsh, creating large deposits of snow and ice in mountainous areas. In early 1931, melting snow and ice flowed downstream and


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    At the time the government estimated that 25 million people had been affected by the flood. Historians since have suggested that the true number may have been as many as 53 million. Estimated death tolls also vary widely. Contemporary studies conducted by


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    Thomas Harnsberger, a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Taizhou, Jiangsu, was one of the two central figures (alongside General Wang Shuxiang, a PhD in hydraulics) who supervised the rebuilding of the dikes at Lake Gaoyou, as well as securing the funds


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    Republican Era (1930s–1940s)
    The 1931 flood was one of the first major tests for the KuomintangGovernment. As the scale of the disaster


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  4. 1931 China floods - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...


    Yellow River, Yangtze River, Huai River. The 1931 China floods or the 1931 Yellow River Floods were a series of floods that occurred in China in the year 1931. It is the most deadly natural disaster by death toll. About 1,000,000-3.7 million people …

    • Deaths: 422,499–4,000,000
  5. Talk:1931 China floods - Wikipedia

    • I'm not sure that 1931 counts as "historic times". 1. As in recorded history - not prehistoric times. Warofdreams 10:34, 19 Jan 2005 (UTC) 1.1. It still strikes me as awkward. Maybe "recorded natural disaster" rather than "natural disaster of historic times". 1.1.1. I say we keep it. I do not find it awkward, but rather an interesting tidbit. --SaulPerdomo it was bad but is over so if you dont lik…
    Xem thêm trên en.wikipedia.org
    • 1931 China floods — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

      • Republican Era
        The 1931 flood was one of the first major tests for the Kuom­intang Gov­ern­ment. As the scale of the dis­as­ter be­came ap­par­ent, the gov­ern­ment es­tab­lished the Na­tional Flood Re­lief Com­mis­sion under the aus­pices of T.V. Soong, a promi­nent politi­cian in the Kuom­intang and brother-in-law o…
      • Communist Era
        In 1953, after the end of the Chi­nese Civil War, Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party leader Mao Ze­dong trav­elled to areas neigh­bour­ing the Yangtze River to pro­mote the Three Gorges Dam flood con­trol pro­ject. "The So­cial­ist Three Gorges Dam pro­ject should excel other major pro­jects in Chi­nese hi…
      Xem thêm trên wiki2.org
    • Flutkatastrophe in China 1931 – Wikipedia


      Die Flutkatastrophe in China 1931 war eine Serie von Hochwässern im Einzugsgebiet des Jangtsekiang in der Republik China. Sie gehört zu den opferreichsten der aufgezeichneten Naturkatastrophen überhaupt. Die Schätzungen der Opferzahlen reichen von 145.000 bis 3,7 Millionen.

      Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
    • Inondations de 1931 en Chine — Wikipédia

      De 1928 à 1930, une sécheresse afflige la Chine[7]. Mais à l'hiver 1930-31, de fortes chutes de neige se sont produites dans les montagnes du centre du pays et la fonte au printemps 1931 a été accompagnée de plusieurs épisodes de pluie, le tout faisant grimper le niveau des rivières[2]. En juillet et août 1931, le passage excepti…
      Xem thêm trên fr.wikipedia.org
    • Inundațiile din China din 1931 - Wikipedia


      Seria de inundații care a avut loc în China Centrală în anul 1931, pe perioada decadei Nanjing, este considerată, la modul general, cel mai devastator cataclism natural despre care au existat vreodată date. Între iulie și noiembrie 1931, aproximativ 100.000 km² au fost complet sau parțial inundați. Fluviul Galben și Râul Yangtze au ieșit din matcă.

      • Zone afectate: Văile fluviilor Huang He, Yangtze și Huai
      • Fatalități: 3,7–4 milioane
      • Durată: Iulie–noiembrie 1931
    • Overstroming in Centraal-China 1931 - Wikipedia

      • Aanleiding
        Voorafgaand aan de overstromingen, werd Centraal-China in de periode 1928 tot 1930 geteisterd door grote droogte. Het abnormale weer dat de overstromingen in gang zette werd reeds merkbaar eind 1930, toen grote sneeuwbuien in de winter voor extra veel smeltwater zorgden in …
      • De Gele Rivier
        De Gele Rivier wordt ook wel gezien als de bron van de Chinese beschaving. Overstromingen van deze rivier hebben vaak ernstige gevolgen voor de landbouw en economie. De overstroming van de Gele Rivier vond plaats tussen juli en november 1931. 1 tot 2 miljoen mensen kwamen hierbij …
      Xem thêm trên nl.wikipedia.org
      • Datum: juli – november 1931
      • Schade: Niet vast te stellen
    • Inundaciones en China de 1931 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia ...

      De 1928 a 1930, China se vio afectada por una larga sequía.[3]​ El invierno posterior de 1930 fue particularmente duro, creando grandes depósitos de nieve y hielo en áreas montañosas. A principios de 1931, la nieve y el hielo derretidos fluyeron río abajo y llegaron al curso medio del Yangtze durante un período de fuertes lluvias …
      Xem thêm trên es.wikipedia.org

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