1960-1969 wikipedia - EAS

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    1960s - Wikipedia


    The 1960s (pronounced "nineteen-sixties", shortened to "the '60s" or "the Sixties") was a decade of the Gregorian calendar that began on January 1, 1960, and ended on December 31, 1969. The "cultural decade" of the 1960s is more loosely defined than the actual decade. It begins around 1963–1964


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    • The Cold War (1947–1991)
    • The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 began in September.
    Arab–Israeli conflict (early-20th century-present)


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    The decade began with a recession from 1960 to 1961, at that time unemployment was considered high at around 7%. In his campaign, John F. Kennedy promised to "get America moving again." His goal was economic growth of 4–6% per year and unemployment below 4%.


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    Prominent assassinations, targeted killings, and assassination attempts include:
    • 12


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    Counterculture and social revolution
    In the second half of the decade, young people began to revolt against the conservative norms of the time, as well as remove themselves from mainstream liberalism, in particular the high level of materialism which was so


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    Space exploration
    The Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union dominated the 1960s. The Soviets sent the first man, Yuri Gagarin, into outer space during the Vostok 1mission


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    • The Manson Murders occurred between 8–10 August 1969, when actress Sharon Tate, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, and several others were brutally murdered in the Tate residence by


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    • The 1960 Valdivia earthquake, also known as the Great Chilean earthquake, is to date the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, rating 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale. It caused localized tsunamis that severely


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  2. Thập niên 1960 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt


    Thập niên 1960 chỉ đến những năm từ 1960 đến 1969 . Sự kiện + Ban nhạc The Beatles tới nước Mỹ (1964), cuộc cách mạng âm nhạc đại chúng bùng nổ. + Chiến tranh lạnh giữa hai khối đối địch nhau thời bấy giờ: Phe XHCN do Liên Xô cầm đầu với phe Tư bản CN do Mỹ cầm đầu.

  3. List of rail accidents (1960–1969) - Wikipedia


    • January 4, 1969 – United Kingdom – Marden rail crash, a passenger train runs into the back of a parcels train after passing a signal at danger. Four people killed, eleven injured.
    • 7 February 1969 - New Zealand - Violet Town rail accident Victoria, New Zealand, A Southern Aurora train collided onto a Albury train, 9 people were killed and 117 people were injured.

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  4. 1960-1969 - Wikipedia


    1960-1969. De jaren 1960-1969 (van de gangbare jaartelling ), ook aangeduid als de jaren zestig, zijn een decennium in de 20e eeuw .

    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
    • 1960–1969 – Wikipedie

      Období 60. let se v Československu vyznačovalo postupným uvolňováním společnosti v politické a kulturní oblasti. V červnu 1960 proběhly volby do Národního shromáždění. Nová ústava, přijatá 11. července 1960, změnila název státu na Československá socialistická republika a zakotvila vedoucí úlohu Komun…
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 8 phút
      • Mọi người cũng hỏi
        What are the 1960s?
        The 1960s was a decade that began on January 1, 1960 and ended on December 31, 1969. The term "1960s" also refers to an era more often called the Sixties, denoting the complex of inter-related cultural and political trends around the globe.
        What happened in the 1960s in music?
        The Beatles released music throughout the 1960s. The music of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison would stand the test of time. Peace signs and flowers were an aesthetic of the 1960s and hippie culture. Increased use of LSD and Marijuana occurred in the 1960s. The Woodstock Music Festival in 1969.
        What was invented in 1960 in the US?
        1960 – The first working laser was demonstrated in May by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. 1960 – Tony Hoare announces the Quicksort algorithm, the most common sorter on computers. 1961 – Unimate, the first industrial robot, was introduced. 1962 – First transatlantic satellite broadcast via the Telstar satellite.
        What was the New Left in the 1960s?
        Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) became the organizational focus of the New Left and was the prime mover behind the opposition to the War in Vietnam. The 1960s left also consisted of ephemeral campus-based Trotskyist, Maoist and anarchist groups, some of which by the end of the 1960s had turned to militancy.
      • Categorie:1960-1969 - Wikipedia


        De categorie 1960-1969 biedt een overzicht van artikelen over de jaren 1960-1969.: Hulpmiddelen: Alle categorieën - Toon bovenliggende categorieboom (png/svg) - Toon onderliggende categorieboom (png/svg) - Zoek artikelen met PetScan Ondercategorieën. Deze categorie bevat de volgende 14 subcategorieën, van de 14 in totaal.

      • 1960-1969 | Fashion History Timeline


        23/07/2019 · Wikipedia: 1960-1969. Events: 1961 – John F. Kennedy becomes president. His wife, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, soon becomes a fashion icon. Fur coats are much sought after because they are seen as a status symbol. Movements in the following decades protest vigorously against the wearing of fur.

      • Années 1960 — Wikipédia

        • Guerres et conflits
          La guerre du Viêt Nam, débutée en 1955, se poursuit jusqu'en 1975 et aurait fait de 2 à 5 millions de morts[4]. La guerre d'Algérie, débutée en 1954, se termine en 1962[5]. La guerre et les massacres des harkis suivant le cessez-le-feu auraient fait au moins 400 000 morts, bien que le…
        • Géopolitique
          . En Afrique du Sud, les tensions dans le cadre de l'apartheid continuent, entraînant la mort de 69 personnes, lors d'une manifestation pacifique, le 21 mars 1960. Nelson Mandela est arrêté en 1963 et condamné à la prison à vie en 1964.Aux États-Unis d'Amérique, Detroitfut le théâtre des …
        Xem thêm trên fr.wikipedia.org
        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 8 phút
        • Anni 1960 - Wikipedia

          • 1960
            1. Ottengono l'indipendenza diciassette colonie africane. 2. In Sri Lanka Sirimavo Bandaranaike, leader dell'LSFP, è la prima donna al mondo ad essere eletta primo ministro. 3. Saltano gli accordi economici tra USA e Cuba che ne stipula di nuovi con l'URSS. 4. Un terremoto uccide un terzo de…
          • 1961
            1. La concessione dell'indipendenza all'Algeria da parte della Francia provoca un tentato colpo di Stato organizzato dai generali ultranazionalisti che viene stroncato fermamente dal presidente Charles de Gaulle. 2. Il 20 gennaio John Fitzgerald Kennedy diviene il 35º presidente statunitens…
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          • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 9 phút
          • 1960-luku – Wikipedia


            1960-luku oli vuosikymmen, joka alkoi 1. tammikuuta 1960 ja päättyi 31. joulukuuta 1969. Vuosikymmen oli 1900-luvun seitsemäs vuosikymmen. Vuosikymmenen teemoja olivat osallistuminen, ihanteet ja kannanottaminen. Maailmanpolitiikka ja yhteiskunta. Vietnamin sota. Yhdysvallat kävi ...

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