20. storočie wikipedia - EAS

About 40 results
  1. 18th century - Wikipedia


    WebThe 18th century lasted from January 1, 1701 to December 31, 1800 ().During the 18th century, elements of Enlightenment thinking culminated in the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions.During the century, slave trading and human trafficking expanded across the shores of the Atlantic, while declining in Russia, China, and Korea.Revolutions …

  2. Timeline of nuclear fusion - Wikipedia


    WebThe 20 beam Shiva laser at LLNL is completed, capable of delivering 10.2 kilojoules of infrared energy on target. At a price of $25 million and a size approaching that of a football field, the Shiva laser is the first of the "megalasers" at LLNL and brings the field of ICF research fully within the realm of " big science ".

  3. Esther Williams - Wikipedia


    WebEsther Jane Williams (August 8, 1921 – June 6, 2013) was an American competitive swimmer and actress. She set regional and national records in her late teens on the Los Angeles Athletic Club swim team. Unable to compete in the 1940 Summer Olympics because of the outbreak of World War II, she joined Billy Rose's Aquacade, where she …

  4. List of royal tours of Canada (18th–20th centuries) - Wikipedia


    WebThere was an extended royal presence in Canada through the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, either as an official tour, a vacation, a period of military service, or a viceregal posting by a member of the Royal Family.Originally, royal tours of Canada were events predominantly for Canadians to see and possibly meet members of their Royal Family, …

  5. Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia


    WebThe Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy.It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership."

  6. Košice – Wikipedia


    WebKošice ([ˈkɔʃɪʦɛ] Aussprache? / i, deutsch Kaschau, ungarisch Kassa, Romani Kascha, neu lateinisch Cassovia) ist eine Stadt am Fluss Hornád im Osten der Slowakei nahe der Grenze zu Ungarn.Mit ihren 238.138 Einwohnern (Stand: 31. Dezember 2020) ist sie nach Bratislava die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes.. Košice ist zentraler Ort der Ostslowakei und Sitz …

  7. Sametová revoluce – Wikipedie


    WebSametová revoluce (dobově také něžná revoluce, slovensky nežná revolúcia) bylo období politických změn v Československu mezi 17. listopadem a 29. prosincem 1989, které vedly k pádu komunistického režimu a přeměně politického zřízení na pluralitní demokracii; v oblasti hospodářství plánované ekonomiky na tržní.K podstatnému urychlení změn přispěly …

  8. Camp Century - Wikipedia


    WebScientific research. Ice core samples from Camp Century were used to create stable isotopes analyses used to develop climate models. Analysis of soil contained in the samples suggests that the site was ice-free as recently as 400,000 years ago, indicating a much reduced Greenland ice sheet and therefore much higher sea levels. Since 2017, the …

  9. Bratislava – Wikipédia


    WebBratislava (slovenská výslovnosť, nem. Pressburg, maď. Pozsony, gr. Istropolis – Mesto na Dunaji; do roku 1919 Prešporok/Prešporek iné názvy pozri nižšie) je hlavné a rozlohou aj počtom obyvateľov najväčšie mesto Slovenska.Podľa posledného sčítania obyvateľov v Bratislave k 31. decembru 2020 žilo 475 503 obyvateľov, avšak na základe dát od …

  10. Viedeň – Wikipédia


    WebViedeň (nem. Wien, lat. Vindobona, maď. Bécs, čes. Vídeň, slovin. Dunaj, chorv. Beč, angl. Vienna) je hlavné a najväčšie mesto Rakúska, ležiace na rieke Dunaj.. Viedeň má takmer 1,9 mil. obyvateľov a metropolitná oblasť, ktorú vytvára s viac ako 2,8 miliónmi obyvateľov predstavuje približne tretinu celej rakúskej populácie.

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