doi (identifier) wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Digital object identifier
    • Theo 2 nguồn
    Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Digital object identifier (DOI) er en permanent identifikation, som tildeles et objekt, f.eks. et elektronisk dokument, så dette altid kan findes, selvom internetadressen forandres. På sin vis en pendant til ISBN -systemet, som kendes fra bøger.
    Digital object identifier (DOI) é um padrão para identificação de documentos em redes de computadores, como a Internet. Atualmente, cresce a preocupação com a segurança de objetos digitais na Internet.
  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?
    For the use of digital object identifiers on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Digital Object Identifier. A digital object identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier or handle used to identify objects uniquely, standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
    What does Doi stand for?
    Archived from the original on 14 January 2017. Retrieved 7 February 2017. ^ "Digital object identifier (DOI) becomes an ISO standard". 10 May 2012. Retrieved 10 May 2012.
    What is the ISO standard for Doi?
    Standardization. The DOI system is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization in its technical committee on identification and description, TC46/SC9. The Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 26324, Information and documentation – Digital Object Identifier System met the ISO requirements for approval.
    What is the difference between an identifier registry and DOI system?
    The purpose of an identifier registry is to manage a given collection of identifiers, whereas the primary purpose of the DOI system is to make a collection of identifiers actionable and interoperable, where that collection can include identifiers from many other controlled collections.
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    Digital object identifier - Wikipedia

    A digital object identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier or handle used to identify objects uniquely, standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). An implementation of the Handle System, DOIs are in wide use mainly to identify academic, professional, and government


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    A DOI is a type of Handle System handle, which takes the form of a character string divided into two parts, a prefix and a suffix, separated by a slash.
    The prefix identifies the


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    Major content of the DOI system currently includes:
    Scholarly materials (journal articles, books, ebooks, etc.) through Crossref, a consortium of around


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    The IDF designed the DOI system to provide a form of persistent identification, in which each DOI name permanently and unambiguously identifies the object to which it is associated


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    A DOI name differs from commonly used Internet pointers to material, such as the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), in that it identifies an object itself as a first-class entity,


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    The International DOI Foundation (IDF), a non-profit organisation created in 1998, is the governance body of the DOI system. It safeguards all intellectual property rights relating to the DOI system, manages common operational features, and supports the development


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    The DOI system is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization in its technical committee on


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    DOI name resolution is provided through the Handle System, developed by Corporation for National Research Initiatives, and is freely available to any user encountering a DOI name. Resolution redirects the user from a DOI name to one or more pieces of typed


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    Văn bản Wikipedia theo giấy phép CC-BY-SA
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  4. DOI – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

    DOI (viết tắt từ digital object identifier trong tiếng Anh, có nghĩa là "chỉ số xác định vật thể") là một số xác định đường dẫn vĩnh cửu (permalink) cho một tập tin World Wide Web. Nếu địa chỉ mạng của tập tin thay đổi, người truy cập bằng DOI vẫn được đổi hướng tự động đến địa chỉ mới. Các nhà xuất bảncung cấp DOI đến một thư mục được quản lý tập trung và sử dụng địa chỉ thư mục này cộn…

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. DOI - Wikipedia

    Science and technology. Digital object identifier, an international standard for document identification; Distinctness of image, a quantification of vision used in optics; 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine, a hallucinogenic drug; Organizations. Department of Information (Australia), Australian government department, 1939–1950 Division of Investigation, a precursor to the …

  6. Digital Object Identifier — Wikipédia
    • Digital object identifier (DOI, littéralement « identifiant numérique d'objet1 ») est un mécanisme d'identification de ressources, qui peuvent être des ressources numériques, comme un film, un rapport, des articles scientifiques, mais également des personnes ou tout autre type d'objets. Le but des DOI est de faciliter la gestion numérique sur le long terme de toute chose en associant d…
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    • Sous-classe de: norme ISO, OID
    • Nom court: DOI
    • Date de fondation ou de création: 2000
    • Usage: digital object
  7. Digital Object Identifier – Wikipedia
    DOIs haben den Zweck, mit ihnen dauerhaft auf digitale Objekte verweisen zu können. Dies wird erreicht, indem jedem Objekt ein eindeutiger und dauerhaft gültiger Name (Identifikator) zugewiesen wird. Anhand dessen kann aus einer zentralen Datenbank der URL abgefragt werden, unter der das Objekt derzeit zugä…
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    • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 6 phút
    • Digital object identifier - Wikipedie
      • DOI je v podstatě URN. URN má za úkol přesně popsat a identifikovat dokument na internetu, aby byl vždy zpětně dohledatelný. Odkazování na dílo pomocí DOI by oproti běžnému odkazování pomocí URL mělo být stabilnější: pokud se adresa dokumentu změní, vydavateli stačí aktualizovat metadata v DOI, aby odkazovala na platné místo. Společně s DOI a URL jsou v rejstříku uložena i …
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      • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 6 phút
      • Identificador de objeto digital - Wikipedia, la ...

        El identificador de objeto digital, conocido en inglés como digital object identifier y abreviado DOI y DOI es un enlace permanente en forma de código alfanumérico que identifica de forma única un contenido electrónico. Esta pieza específica de contenido intelectual puede ser un artículo científico, una imagen, un libro, una canción u otro, siempre que se trate de un objeto en el ...

        • Thời gian đọc ước tính: 3 phút
        • Цифровой идентификатор объекта — Википедия

          • DOI позволяют однозначно и точно идентифицировать объект и получать доступ к подробной информации о нем (метаданные) либо непосредственно к самому объекту, если доступ к объекту является открытым. Организация, присвоившая объекту DOI, обязана обеспечить постоянную работоспособность ссылки на объект и/или данные о нём…
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          • URL:
          • Текущий статус: International DOI Foundation
          • Начало работы: 2000
          • Тип сайта: Цифровой идентификатор объекта
        • Identifikator digitalnega objekta - Wikipedija, prosta ...

          • Digitalni objekt se na internetu nahaja na določenem naslovu oziroma strežniku. Ena izmed možnosti za dostop do dokumentov je uporaba URL(predpostavljamo, da se ta ne spreminja). V splošnem imajo naslovi na internetu svojo življenjsko dobo, ki je včasih zelo kratka. Sistem DOI za identifikacijo dokumentov ne temelji na lokaciji, ampak dokument sam sebe identificira. Vsekak…
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          • Organizacija: International DOI Foundation
          • Akronim: DOI
          • Uvedeno: 2000
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