italian braille wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Italian Braille is the braille alphabet of the Italian language, both in Italy and in Switzerland. It is very close to French Braille, with some differences in punctuation.
    Languages: Italian
    Parent systems: BrailleFrench BrailleItalian Braille
    Print basis: Italian alphabet
    Script type: alphabet
    Mục này có hữu ích không?
  2. Mọi người cũng hỏi
    What is Braille?
    This article is about the writing system used by people who are blind or have low vision. For the person who created Braille, see Louis Braille. For other uses, see Braille (disambiguation).
    How many languages are there in Braille?
    At first, Braille was a one-to-one transliteration of the French alphabet, but soon various abbreviations (contractions) and even logograms were developed, creating a system much more like shorthand. Today, there are braille codes for over 133 languages.
    What are the letters of the French alphabet in Braille?
    In French braille these are the letters â ê î ô û ë ï ü ö w ( ⠡ ⠣ ⠩ ⠹ ⠱ ⠫ ⠻ ⠳ ⠪ ⠺ ). W had been tacked onto the end of 39 letters of the French alphabet to accommodate English.
    Why is there no W in the braille alphabet?
    Here w was initially left out as not being a part of the official French alphabet at the time of Braille's life; the French braille order is u v x y z ç é à è ù ( ⠥ ⠧ ⠭ ⠽ ⠵ ⠯ ⠿ ⠷ ⠮ ⠾ ). The next ten letters, ending in w, are the same again, except that for this series position 6 (purple dot in the table above) is used without a dot at position 3.
  3. Italian Braille - Wikipedia

    Italian Braille is the braille alphabet of the Italian language, both in Italy and in Switzerland. It is very close to French Braille, with some differences in punctuation.

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  4. Braille - Wikipedia

    Braille is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired, including people who are blind, deafblind or who have low vision. It can be read either on embossed paper or by using refreshable braille displays that connect to computers and smartphone devices. Braille can be written using a slate and stylus, a braille writer, an electronic braille notetaker or with the use of a computer connected to a braille embosser.

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  5. Braille - Wikipedia
    Consiste in simboli formati da un massimo di sei punti, disposti su una matrice 3 x 2 e con ciascuna casella solitamente della grandezza di circa 3 × 2 millimetri o più. Tali punti possono essere impressi con un punteruolo su fogli di cartaspessa o di plastica, oppure essere riprodotti a rilievo su superfici plastiche o metalliche. P…
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    • Italian language - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...

      Latin (Italian alphabet) Italian Braille: ... The Italian language is a Romance language spoken in Italy. Other countries that use Italian as their official language are San Marino, Vatican City and Switzerland. Slovenia, and Croatia also use Italian as an …

      • Pronunciation: [itaˈljaːno]
      • Native speakers: 59 million Italian proper, native and native bilingual (2007), 85 million all varieties
    • Braille italiano - Italian Braille -

      Braille italiano Il Braille italiano è l' alfabeto braille della lingua italiana , sia in Italia che in Svizzera. È molto simile al braille francese , con alcune differenze nella punteggiatura.

    • Louis Braille - Wikipedia
      Suo padre, Simon-René Braille, era un sellaio; all'età di tre anni il piccolo Louis si infortunò all'occhio sinistro nell'officina paterna. A causa dell'estendersi dell'infezione perse la vista anche all'occhio destro e divenne cieco. A 10 anni vinse una borsa di studio alla Institution des Jeunes Aveugles(Istituto per giovani ciechi…
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      • Italian Braille wikipedia - Yahoo Search Results

        Italian Braille From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Italian Braille is the braille alphabet of the Italian language, both in Italy and in Switzerland. It is very close to French Braille, with some differences in punctuation. Contents 1 Alphabet 2 Numbers 3 Punctuation 4 Formatting 5 References Alphabet.

      • Louis Braille – Wikipedia
        • Erfindung in Kindheit und Jugend
          Im Alter von drei Jahren verletzte sich Braille mit einer Ahle aus der Sattlerwerkstatt seines Vaters am Auge. Das verletzte Auge entzündete sich und das zweite, bis dahin unversehrte Auge erkrankte ebenfalls. Diese Sympathische Ophthalmieführte zur völligen Erblindung des fünfjähri…
        • Brailles Tod und die internationale Anerkennung der Blindenschrift
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      • Braille — Wikipédia
        • La lecture pour les aveugles avant Louis Braille
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        • Louis Braille
          Louis Braille n’est pas né aveugle, il l’est devenu à l’âge de trois ans. Après un début de scolarité dans son village de Coupvray, il est admis en 1819 à l’Institut Royal des Aveugles.Deux ans plus tard, en 1821, il assiste à la présentation de la sonographie faite par Barbier. Barbier n’ayant pas …
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        Die Brailleschrift [bʁaj-] ist eine Blindenschrift und wird international von Blinden und stark Sehbehinderten benutzt, da sie Schwarzschrift nicht oder nur schwer lesen können. Sie wurde 1825 von dem Franzosen Louis Braille entwickelt. Die Schrift besteht aus in einem aus sechs Punkten bestehenden System befindlichen Punktmustern, die meist von hinten in Papier …

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