old italic script wikipedia - EAS

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  1. The Old Italic scripts are a family of similar ancient writing systems used in the Italian Peninsula between around 700 and 100 BC, for various languages spoken in that time and place.
    Direction: right-to-left script, left-to-right
    Parent systems: PhoenicianGreekOld Italic
    Script type: Alphabet
    Unicode alias: Old Italic
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  2. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia


    The following table shows the ancient Italic scripts that are presumed to be related to the Etruscan alphabet. Symbols that are assumed to be correspondent are placed on the same column. Many symbols occur with two or more variant forms in the same script; only one variant is shown here. The notations [←] and [→] indicate that the shapes shown were used when writing …

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  3. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia


    The Old Italic scripts are a family of similar ancient writing systems used in the Italian Peninsula between around 700 and 100 BC, for various languages spoken in that time and place. [ citation needed ] The most notable member is the Etruscan alphabet , which was the immediate ancestor of the Latin alphabet currently used by English and many other languages of the world.

  4. Appendix:Old Italic script - Wiktionary


    45 hàng · Old Italic script Approximate distribution of languages in Iron Age Italy during the …

  5. Template:Script/Old Italic - Simple English Wikipedia, the ...


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  6. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia

    • Les alphabets vieil italique dérivent clairement de l' alphabet phénicien , bien que la chaîne précise de transmission culturelle soit inconnue. Certains érudits soutiennent que l' alphabet étrusque a été importé des colonies grecques d' Eubée de Cumeset d' Ischia (Pithekoūsai)dans le golfe de Naplesau VIIIe siècle av. cet alphabet eubéenest aussi appelé 'cuméen' (d'après Cumae), ou 'chal…
    Xem thêm trên fr.abcdef.wiki
  7. Old Italic scripts wiki | TheReaderWiki

    • The Old Italic alphabets were unified and added to the UnicodeStandard in March 2001 with the release of version 3.1. The Unicode block for Old Italic is U+10300–U+1032F without specification of a particular alphabet (i.e. the Old Italic alphabets are considered equivalent, and the font used will determine the variant). Writing direction (right-to-left, left-to-right, or boustroph…
    Xem thêm trên thereaderwiki.com
  8. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia

    • Gli antichi alfabeti italici derivano chiaramente dall'alfabeto fenicio , anche se non si conosce l'esatta catena di trasmissione culturale. Alcuni studiosi sostengono che l' alfabeto etrusco è stato importato dalle euboico colonie greche di Cuma e Ischia (Pithekoūsai) nel Golfo di Napoli nel secolo aC 8; questo alfabeto euboico è anche chiamato 'cumano' (da Cuma), o 'calcidiano' (dall…
    Xem thêm trên it.abcdef.wiki
  9. Old Italic scripts - PiPiWiki


    The Old Italic scripts are a number of similar ancient writing systems used in the Italian Peninsula between about 700 and 100 BC, for various languages spoken in that time and place. The most notable member is the Etruscan alphabet , which was the immediate ancestor of the Latin alphabet currently used by English and many other languages of the world.

  10. Old Hungarian script - Wikipedia


    The Old Hungarian script or Hungarian runes (Hungarian: Székely-magyar rovás, 'székely-magyar runiform', or rovásírás) is an alphabetic writing system used for writing the Hungarian language. Modern Hungarian is written using the Latin-based Hungarian alphabet. The term "old" refers to the historical priority of the script compared with the Latin-based one. The Old Hungarian script is a child …

    Wikipedia · Nội dung trong CC-BY-SA giấy phép
  11. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia | Etruscan language ...


    Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia. Old Italic scripts - Wikipedia. S. Susan Granquist. 2k followers. Phoenician Alphabet. Runic Alphabet. European Languages. World Languages. Etruscan Language. Brahmi Script. Younger Futhark. Ancient Scripts. Different Symbols. More information.... More like this. Rune Alphabet ...

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