rna virus wikipedia - EAS

About 39 results
  1. RNA virus - Wikipedia


    WebAn RNA virus is a virus—other than a retrovirus—that has ribonucleic acid as its genetic material. The nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA but it may be double-stranded (dsRNA). Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include the common cold, influenza, SARS, MERS, Covid-19, Dengue Virus, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, West Nile …

  2. Virus a RNA - Wikipedia


    WebI virus a RNA sono virus che utilizzano l'RNA come materiale genetico.Questo acido nucleico di solito è presente come filamento singolo, sebbene siano presenti gruppi di virus che utilizzano un RNA a doppio filamento.. Appartenenti a questa classe di virus sono quello del comune raffreddore, della SARS, dell'influenza, dell'Ebola, dell'epatite C e del …

  3. RNAウイルス - Wikipedia


    Web一本鎖プラス鎖rnaウイルスはウイルスゲノムrnaがそのまま翻訳されウイルスタンパク質が作られる 。 一本鎖の+鎖rnaウイルスはゲノム自体がmrnaとして機能し得る。 sarsの原因であるコロナウイルスはこれに含まれる。 レトロウイルスもここに含まれるが、上記のようにいったんdnaに遺伝情報を ...

  4. Antisense RNA - Wikipedia


    WebAntisense RNA (asRNA), also referred to as antisense transcript, natural antisense transcript (NAT) or antisense oligonucleotide, is a single stranded RNA that is complementary to a protein coding messenger RNA (mRNA) with which it hybridizes, and thereby blocks its translation into protein. asRNAs (which occur naturally) have been …

  5. West Nile virus - Wikipedia


    WebWest Nile virus (WNV) is a single-stranded RNA virus that causes West Nile fever.It is a member of the family Flaviviridae, from the genus Flavivirus, which also contains the Zika virus, dengue virus, and yellow fever virus. The virus is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, mostly species of Culex.The primary hosts of WNV are birds, so that the …

  6. Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 - Wikipedia


    WebHuman T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I), also called the adult T-cell lymphoma virus type 1, is a retrovirus of the human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) family that has been implicated in several kinds of diseases including very aggressive adult T-cell lymphoma (ATL), HTLV-I-associated myelopathy, uveitis, …

  7. RNA-InterferenzWikipedia


    WebDie RNA-Interferenz (kurz RNAi oder auch RNA-Silencing) ist ein natürlicher Mechanismus in den Zellen von Lebewesen mit einem Zellkern (), welcher der zielgerichteten Abschaltung von Genen dient. Sie ist ein Spezialfall der Gen-Stilllegung.Die RNA-Interferenz beruht auf einer Wechselwirkung kurzer Stücke von Ribonukleinsäure (RNA) mit der Erbinformation …

  8. Ácido ribonucleico – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    WebO ácido ribonucleico (ARN, em português: ácido ribonucleico; ou RNA, em inglês: ribonucleic acid) é um tipo de ácido nucleico, uma molécula polimérica linear formada por unidades menores chamadas nucleótidos.Intervém em várias funções biológicas importantes como a codificação genética, e a descodificação durante a tradução de …

  9. Zaire ebolavirus - Wikipedia


    WebZaire ebolavirus, more commonly known as Ebola virus (/ i ˈ b oʊ l ə, ɪ-/; EBOV), is one of six known species within the genus Ebolavirus. Four of the six known ebolaviruses, including EBOV, cause a severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans and other mammals, known as Ebola virus disease (EVD). Ebola virus has caused the majority of human …

  10. RNA-virus - Wikipedia


    WebEen RNA-virus is een virus waarvan het erfelijk materiaal uit RNA bestaat; dit in tegenstelling tot een DNA-virus (waarvan het erfelijk materiaal uit DNA bestaat, net als het geval is bij de meeste organismen).. Soorten en voorbeelden. RNA-virussen worden onderverdeeld in: (+)ssRNA-virussen: voorbeelden poliovirus, rhinovirus, SARS-virus, …

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