rigveda wikipedia - EAS

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  1. Rigveda - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


    WebEl Rigveda (o Ṛgveda) es el texto más antiguo de la tradición védica; fue compuesto en sánscrito.Se trata de una colección de himnos compuestos en antiguo sánscrito védico, dedicados a los dioses. Se considera el más antiguo de los cuatro libros conocidos como Vedas.. Es uno de los textos existentes más antiguos de cualquier lengua indoeuropea.

  2. Rigveda - Wikipedia


    WebDe Rigveda (ऋग्वेद, Sanskriet ṛc, lof + veda, kennis) is het oudste van de vier godsdienstige hindoegeschriften van de Veda's.De chronologie van de Rigveda ligt mogelijk tussen 1200-1000 v.Chr. of 1500-1000 v.Chr... Deze veda bestaat uit 1017 reguliere verzen plus 11 apocriefe (vālakhilya) verzen 8.49 - 8.59; in totaal 1028 verzen.Ze zijn geschreven …

  3. Rigveda - Wikipedia


    WebThe Rigveda or Rig Veda (Sanskrit: ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, from ṛc "praise" and veda "knowledge") is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns (sūktas).It is one of the four sacred canonical Hindu texts known as the Vedas. Only one Shakha of the many survive today, namely the Śakalya Shakha. Much of the contents contained in the …

  4. Indra - Wikipedia


    WebIndra (/ ˈ ɪ n d r ə /; Sanskrit: इन्द्र) is the king of the devas (god-like deities) and Svarga (heaven) in Hindu mythology.He is associated with the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storms, rains, river flows, and war. Indra's myths and powers are similar to other Indo-European deities such as Jupiter, Perun, Perkūnas, Zalmoxis, Taranis, Zeus, and Thor, …

  5. Samhita - Wikipedia


    WebEtymology. Saṃhita is a Sanskrit word from the prefix sam (सम्), 'together', and hita (हित), the past participle of the verbal root dhā (धा) 'put'. The combination word thus means "put together, joined, compose, arrangement, place together, union", something that agrees or conforms to a principle such as dharma or in accordance with justice, and "connected with".

  6. Ṛgveda - Wikipedia


    WebIl Ṛgveda (devanāgarī: ऋग्वेद) è una delle quattro suddivisioni canoniche dei Veda.Il nome può essere reso con "Inni dei Veda" o "Inni della Conoscenza", essendo il sostantivo ṛgveda composto da ṛc ("inni" o "strofe"), e veda ("sapienza" o "conoscenza"): il riferimento è ai versi recitati durante le cerimonie, differenti dai sāman, versi cantati.

  7. Rig-Véda — Wikipédia


    WebLe Rig-Veda ou Ṛgveda (devanāgarī : ऋग्वेद, en IAST Ṛgveda) [1] est une collection d'hymnes (sūkta) sacrés ou encore d'hymnes de louanges [2] de l'Inde antique composés en sanskrit védique. Il fait partie des quatre grands textes canoniques de l'hindouisme qui sont connus sous le nom de Veda.C'est l'un des plus anciens textes existant en langue indo …

  8. NamasteWikipedia


    WebWortbedeutung und -herkunft. Namaste bedeutet wörtlich übersetzt „Verbeugung dir“. Es ist eine Zusammensetzung von námas (Sanskrit „Verbeugung“) und te („dir“).. Statt der zweiten Person Singular treten selten auch die Varianten im Dual (namo vām) und in der höflichen Anrede mit der zweiten Person Plural (namo vaḥ) auf. Dabei tritt ein regelmäßiger Sandhi …

  9. Hinduism by country - Wikipedia


    WebHinduism has approximately 1.2 billion adherents worldwide (15-16% of the world's population). Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world behind Christianity (31.5%) and Islam (23.3%).. Most Hindus are found in Asian countries, and the majority of India and Nepal are Hindus. Countries with more than 500,000 Hindu residents and citizens are (in …

  10. Mandala 7 - Wikipedia


    WebThe seventh Mandala of the Rigveda ("book 7", "RV 7") has 104 hymns. In the Rigveda Anukramani, all hymns in this book are attributed to Vashista.Hymn 32 is additionally credited to Sakti Vashista, and hymns 101-102 (to Parjanya) are additionally credited to Kumara Agneya.It is one of the "family books" (mandalas 2-7), the oldest core of the …

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