utc 7 wikipedia - EAS

22 results
  1. UTC offset - Wikipedia


    The UTC offset is the difference in hours and minutes between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local solar time, at a particular place. This difference is expressed with respect to UTC and is generally shown in the format ±[hh]:[mm], ±[hh][mm], or ±[hh]. So if the time being described is two hours ahead of UTC (such as in Kigali, Rwanda [approx. 30° E]), the UTC offset would be …

  2. UTC−08:00 - Wikipedia


    UTC−08:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −08:00. This time is used: As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter) Principal cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Tijuana. North America. Canada (Pacific ...

  3. UTC-7 - Wikipedia


    utc-7: 藍-12月前後に適用、橙-6月前後に適用、濃黄-通年適用、水色-海域 UTC-7 とは、 協定世界時 を7時間遅らせた 標準時 である。 目次

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