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    UTC−07:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −07:00. In North America, it is observed in the Mountain Time Zone during standard time, and in the Pacific Time Zone during the other eight months (see Daylight saving time). Some locations use it year-round. See more

    • Media related to UTC−07:00 at Wikimedia Commons See more

    Overview image

    Principal cities: Phoenix, Hermosillo
    North America
    • Canada (Mountain Time Zone)
    • Mexico See more

    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license
  2. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

    WebUTC−7 ist eine Zonenzeit, sie hat den Längenhalbkreis 105° West als Bezugsmeridian. Auf Uhren mit dieser Zonenzeit ist es sieben Stunden früher als die koordinierte Weltzeit …

    • NATO DTG: T (Tango)
    • Zonenmeridian: 105° W
    • Zeitzonen: Mountain Standard Time (MST), Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
  3. People also ask
    How do you calculate UTC time?Since 1972, UTC is calculated by subtracting the accumulated leap seconds from International Atomic Time (TAI), which is a coordinate time scale tracking notional proper time on the rotating surface of the Earth (the geoid).
    Why is UTC called Zulu time?Since the NATO phonetic alphabet word for Z is "Zulu", UTC is sometimes known as "Zulu time". This is especially true in aviation, where "Zulu" is the universal standard. This ensures that all pilots, regardless of location, are using the same 24-hour clock, thus avoiding confusion when flying between time zones.
    How can clients obtain the current UTC time?If only milliseconds precision is needed, clients can obtain the current UTC from a number of official internet UTC servers. For sub-microsecond precision, clients can obtain the time from satellite signals. UTC is also the time standard used in aviation, e.g. for flight plans and air traffic control clearances.
  4. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

    UTC -7:00 é o fuso onde o horário local é contado a partir de menos sete horas em relação ao horário do Meridiano de Greenwich.
    Longitude ao meio: 105º 00' 00" O
    Nos Estados Unidos é conhecido como Horário de Phoenix ou MST - Mountain Standard Time.

  5. https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

    WebUtilizarea fusului orar UTC−7: Ora standard (tot anul) Ora standard (iarna din emisfera nordică) Ora standard (iarna din emisfera sudică) Regiune maritimă în acest fus orar. Ora …

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time

    WebJul 16, 2022 · Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about one second of mean solar time at 0° …

    • Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
    • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%9207:00

      WebUTC−07:00 makes clocks 7 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time. These are the places that are on the UTC−07:00 time zone. As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter) [ …

    • https://mk.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

      WebUTC−7 (UTC−07:00) е часовен појас седум часа пред средното време по Гринич и претставува часовното отстапување UTC од -7 часа. Во Северна Америка се …

    • https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC-7

      Webutc-7: 藍-12月前後に適用、橙-6月前後に適用、濃黄-通年適用、水色-海域 UTC-7 とは、 協定世界時 を7時間遅らせた 標準時 である。 該当地域 [ 編集 ]

    • https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

      WebUTC−7 er en tidszone som er 7 timer efter standardtiden UTC. UTC−7 bruges hele året af. Dele af Canada: Den del af Peace River-floddalen som ligger i delstaten Britisk Columbia; …

    • https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTC%E2%88%927

      WebUTC−7 — сімнадцятий часовий пояс. Має центральним меридіаном 105° зх.д. Час тут на сім годин відстає від всесвітнього та на дев'ять — від київського. Географічні …

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