what is a white anglo saxon protestant? - EAS

40 results
  1. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant - Wikipedia

    https://it.wikipedia.org › wiki › White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestant

    La locuzione White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (gli statunitensi usano direttamente l'acronimo WASP, che in inglese indica anche la vespa), tradotto in italiano con Bianco Anglo-Sassone Protestante, indica un cittadino statunitense discendente dei colonizzatori originari inglesi o scozzesi, non appartenente quindi a nessuna delle tradizionali minoranze (nativi americani, …

  2. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant – Wikipedia

    https://de.wikipedia.org › wiki › White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestant

    White Anglo-Saxon Protestant („Weißer angelsächsischer Protestant“), kurz WASP [wɒsp], ist ein in der Regel abschätzig verwendeter Begriff für einen Angehörigen der protestantischen weißen Mittel- und Oberschicht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, dessen Vorfahren europäische Siedler in der Gründungszeit waren.

  3. White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant. | Hacker News

    https://news.ycombinator.com › item?id=31232926

    May 02, 2022 · White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant. | Hacker News ... Search:

  4. Anglo-Saxons - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Anglo-Saxons

    "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" (WASP) is a term especially popular in the United States that refers chiefly to long-established wealthy families with mostly English ancestors. As such, WASP is not a historical label or a precise ethnological term but rather a reference to contemporary family-based political, financial and cultural power, e.g.

  5. Nativism: American Anti-Catholic Sentiment, 1830-1845

    are.as.wvu.edu › baker.htm

    The New York Protestant Association (formed in 1831) gave the cause a structured environment and allowed individuals with the same view to interact on a large scale. By early 1832, the popularity of the association drew many nativists to the formal meetings. With meetings being open to the public, Catholics also attended, and the mixing of both ...

  6. Anglo - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Anglo

    Anglo is a prefix indicating a relation to, or descent from, the Angles, England, English culture, the English people or the English language, such as in the term Anglosphere.It is often used alone, somewhat loosely, to refer to people of British descent in Anglo-America, the Anglophone Caribbean, South Africa, Namibia, Australia, and New Zealand.It is used in Canada to …

  7. Monde anglo-saxon — Wikipédia

    https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Monde_anglo-saxon

    Le monde anglo-saxon, parfois appelé anglophonie ou anglosphère par anglicisme, (en anglais : Anglosphere, / ˈ æ ŋ. ɡ l ə ˌ s f ɪ ə /) est l'ensemble de pays dont l'organisation socio-économique et la culture ont été fortement influencées par la colonisation britannique et où l'anglais est la langue principale [1].

  8. The Cult of Lorenzo Dow: What a 19th-century rebel preacher …

    https://nationalpost.com › news › canada › the-cult-of...

    May 18, 2022 · Article content. McLaren drew a curious connection. He noted how similar Dow’s popular fate was to that of Saint Cuthbert, the 7th-century Anglo-Saxon Northumbrian monk and hermit famous for ...

  9. Anglo-Saxons — Wikipédia

    https://fr.wikipedia.org › wiki › Anglo-saxons

    Les Anglo-Saxons sont un peuple d'origine germanique qui s'installe en Grande-Bretagne à partir du V e siècle. La période anglo-saxonne de l'histoire de l'Angleterre s'étend traditionnellement jusqu'à la conquête normande, en 1066.Elle voit la christianisation des Anglo-Saxons à partir du VII e siècle et l'émergence progressive du royaume d'Angleterre.

  10. Urban Dictionary: wasp

    https://www.urbandictionary.com › define.php?term=wasp

    Apr 15, 2004 · white anglo-saxon protestant. this usually refers to affluent people in the new england area, but also whites of "old money" in other areas throughout the country.

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