what is eumetazoa in biology? - EAS

About 43 results
  1. Eumetazoa - Wikipedia


    WebEumetazoa (from Ancient Greek εὖ (eû) 'well', μετά (metá) 'after', and ζῷον (zôion) 'animal'), also known as diploblasts, Epitheliozoa, or Histozoa, are a proposed basal animal clade as a sister group of the Porifera (sponges). The basal eumetazoan clades are the Ctenophora and the ParaHoxozoa. Placozoa is now also seen as a eumetazoan in the ParaHoxozoa.

  2. Eumetazoa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


    WebLos eumetazoos (Eumetazoa) son los animales que presentan tejidos propiamente dichos; comprenden la totalidad de los metazoos, con la única excepción de los poríferos (las esponjas, en las que en lugar de tejidos existe una organización similar a una colonia), los extintos arqueociatos y los placozoos, de los cuales la única especie conocida es …

  3. Acoelomate - Definition, Examples, Quiz | Biology Dictionary


    WebJan 09, 2020 · Acoelomate Definition. An acoelomate is an animal which lack a coelom, or formal body cavity.True body cavities form only in multicellular organisms with true tissues. Within this group, the eumetazoa, there are the organisms like coral and jellyfish, which have only 2 basic tissues.The triploblastic eumetazoa have 3 tissue types.. An …

  4. Animalia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    WebAnimalia, Animal ou Metazoa [1] é um reino biológico composto por seres vivos pluricelulares, eucariontes, heterotróficos, cujas células formam tecidos biológicos, com capacidade de responder ao ambiente (possuem tecido nervoso) que os envolve ou, por outras palavras, pelos animais. [2]A maioria dos animais possui um plano corporal que …

  5. Animals - Tree of Life Web Project


    WebColonial origin for Eumetazoa: Major morphological transitions and the origin of Bilaterian complexity. Journal of Morphology 243:35-74. ... Molecular Biology and Evolution 24(7):1518 - 1527. Halanych, K. 2004. The new view of animal phylogeny. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35:229-256.

  6. Animal - Wikipedia


    WebEtymology. The word "animal" comes from the Latin animalis, meaning 'having breath', 'having soul' or 'living being'. The biological definition includes all members of the kingdom Animalia. In colloquial usage, the term animal is often used to refer only to nonhuman animals. The term "metazoa" is from Ancient Greek μετα (meta, used to mean "later") and …

  7. Eumetazoa - Wikipedia


    WebEumetazoa of orgaandieren vormen een belangrijke clade in het dierenrijk: de zustergroep van de Porifera (). Vrijwel alle dieren behoren tot de Eumetazoa. Het zijn organismen met volledig gedifferentieerde weefsels, zoals bindweefsel, epitheel, zenuwweefsel en spierweefsel. De weefsels zijn georganiseerd in twee of drie kiembladen en differentiëren …

  8. Craniate - Wikipedia


    WebA craniate is a member of the Craniata (sometimes called the Craniota), a proposed clade of chordate animals with a skull of hard bone or cartilage.Living representatives are the Myxini (hagfishes), Hyperoartia (including lampreys), and the much more numerous Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates). Formerly distinct from vertebrates by including …

  9. Platyhelminthes - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas


    WebBeberapa spesies Platyhelminthes dapat menimbulkan penyakit pada manusia dan hewan. Salah satu diantaranya adalah genus Schistosoma yang dapat menyebabkan skistosomiasis, penyakit parasit yang ditularkan melalui siput air tawar pada manusia. Apabila cacing tersebut berkembang di tubuh manusia, dapat terjadi kerusakan jaringan …

  10. Scorpiones - Wikipedia


    WebWikiquote contiene citazioni sullo scorpione; contiene immagini o altri file su ; contiene informazioni su ; Collegamenti esterni. EN) Scorpiones, su Enciclopedia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (EN, FR) Scorpiones, su Enciclopedia canadese.(EN) Scorpiones, su Fossilworks.org.(EN) The Scorpion files, su ub.ntnu.no.(EN) Documento …

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