what was glasnost and perestroika? - EAS

44 results
  1. Explaining Glasnost and Perestroika - ThoughtCo


    Feb 13, 2019 · Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika changed the fabric of the Soviet Union. It allowed citizens to clamor for better living conditions, more freedoms, and an end to Communism . While Gorbachev had hoped his policies would revitalize the Soviet Union, they instead destroyed it .

  2. Perestroika and Glasnost - Definition, Dates & Gorbachev - HISTORY


    Mar 10, 2015 · Perestroika (Russian for "restructuring") refers to a series of political and economic reforms meant to kickstart the stagnant 1980s economy of the Soviet Union, devised by President Mikhail ...

  3. Glasnost and perestroika - The Cold War


    Sep 14, 2020 · Mikhael Gorbachev, the Soviet ruler who oversaw glasnost and perestroika. Glasnost and perestroika were the names of significant reforms introduced by newly appointed Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid to late 1980s. They were introduced after a dismal decade in the Soviet Union, due to economic stagnation, falling production, significant …

  4. Glasnost - Wikipedia


    Historical usage. Human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva argues that the word glasnost has been in the Russian language for several hundred years as a common term: "It was in the dictionaries and lawbooks as long as there had been dictionaries and lawbooks. It was an ordinary, hardworking, non-descript word that was used to refer to a process, any process of …

  5. Perestroika and Glasnost in the Cold War - HISTORY CRUNCH


    Mar 04, 2022 · Perestroika and Glasnost in the Cold War - he reforms of Perestroika and Glasnost are some of the most significant events of the history of the Cold War. The Cold War was a major world event that took place from approximately 1945 until 1990. In general

  6. Perestroika – Wikipedia


    Perestroika (auch Perestrojka, russisch перестройка anhören? / i ‚Umbau‘, ‚Umgestaltung‘, ‚Umstrukturierung‘) bezeichnet den von Michail Gorbatschow ab Anfang 1986 eingeleiteten Prozess zum Umbau und zur Modernisierung des gesellschaftlichen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systems der Sowjetunion, die von der Einheitspartei KPdSU beherrscht wurde.

  7. glasnost | Soviet government policy | Britannica


    glasnost, (Russian: “openness”) Soviet policy of open discussion of political and social issues. It was instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s and began the democratization of the Soviet Union. Ultimately, fundamental changes to the political structure of the Soviet Union occurred: the power of the Communist Party was reduced, and multicandidate elections took …

  8. Gorbachev's Policies of Glasnost and Perestroika: Explanation …


    Oct 01, 2021 · Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika had profound and unintended effects on the Soviet Union. In fact, many historians suggest these reforms led directly to the fall of ...

  9. Glasnost – Wikipedia


    Glasnost (russisch гласность ... Er wollte die Verhältnisse in der Sowjetunion durch Glasnost und Perestroika von festgefahrenen, stalinistischen Strukturen lösen, um mit einer verbesserten Politik unter anderem die desolate Wirtschaftslage in der Sowjetunion wieder zu verbessern. Gorbatschow beachtete jedoch nicht, dass die Stimmung ...

  10. Glasnost und Perestroika - geschichte-lexikon.de


    Glasnost: russ. für "Offenheit / Transparenz"; von Gorbatschow ab 1985 durchgeführte Reform zur Stärkung der Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit. Perestroika: russ. für "Umstrukturierung"; an Glasnost anschließende Reform zur Umgestaltung der politisch-, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen in der Sowjetunion, u.A. Demokratisierung durch freie Wahlen und Lockerung der …

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