ad 1950 wikipedia - EAS

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  1. 中國的最後警告 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书中國的最後警告

    網頁1950年代,美国和中华民国军事实力优于中华人民共和国的情况,中华民国政府“关闭”台湾海峡,掌握整个中国东南地区及华南地区的制空权,并进出中国大陆进行轰炸、掃射、侦察等任务。 根据新华社公布的数据,仅1954年初至1958年6月期间,国军對東南沿海要地和軍事設施轟炸、掃射達400多次 ...

  2. 1984年中国大陆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书年中国大陆

    網頁本页面最后修订于2023年1月25日 (星期三) 12:00。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0协议 之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。 (请参阅使用条款) Wikipedia®和维基百科标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基维基媒体基金会的商标。

  3. Advertising in the 1950s · Reinforcement of Gender Roles in 1950s

    網頁Men were treated very differently in 1950s advertising. Through advertising, the influence of gender roles is apparent in which products would be sold to a man and which would be sold to a woman. Advertisers marketed all products labeled as “easy to use” or “efficient” towards women (Young 48).

  4. Chevrolet Advance Design - Wikipedia

    網頁Task Force Series. The Advance-Design is a light and medium duty truck series by Chevrolet, their first major redesign after WWII. Its GMC counterpart was the GMC New Design. It was billed as a larger, stronger, and sleeker design in comparison to the earlier AK Series. First available on Saturday, June 28, 1947, these trucks were sold with ...

  5. History of Advertising: 1950s - Mascola

    網頁The 1950s were an exciting time. Sinatra, Elvis…. “Some Like It Hot”. The 1950s were considered both The Golden Era of 3D Cinematography and the Golden Age of Television. With the war ending and families being reunited, a huge increase in population erupted: The Baby Boom. In 1952 alone, 3.9 million babies were born and an average of 4 ...

  6. Advertising in the 1950's - The Golden Age of Television and …

    網頁In 1950, Coca-Cola launched its first television ad campaign using animation and celebrities to endorse their product. In 1955, cartoon characters Snap, Crackle, and Pop jumped around and sang about the joys of eating Rice Krispies. In 1952 Dwight Eisenhower used television as a way to advertise his presidential campaign. Later on, all future ...

  7. Timex advertising history | The Pop History Dig

    網頁In the 1950s and 1960s, Timex, a brand-named wristwatch, became something of an iconic American product through a long-running advertising campaign that used celebrities to pitch the product. Print ads, such as the one at right with New York Yankee baseball star, Mickey Mantle, were featured in the major magazines of the day.

  8. List of years | History Wiki | Fandom

    網頁This page indexes the individual years pages. AD:2100 - AD:2099 - AD:2098 - AD:2097 - AD:2096 - AD:2095 - AD:2094 - AD:2093 - AD:2092 - AD:2091 AD:2090 - AD:2089 - AD

  9. Dove- Brand Evolution - SlideShare

    網頁Dove Print Advertisements- 1950’s A print advertisement from the May 9, 1957 issue of The Pittsburgh Press uses the tagline, “Suddenly DOVE makes soap oldfashioned!” This advertisement, like the other ads of the 1950’s, places the emphasis on Dove’s creaming qualities and differentiates it from other soaps.

  10. 30 Vintage Photos of Bakery and Bread Trucks From Between the 1930s and 1950s

    網頁2015年6月20日 · The bakeries sent trucks door to door, offering the same middle-American fare that mid century children across the nation were raised on. Mrs. Karl's Bread Truck, ca. 1940s. Butter Nut Bread. Butter Nut Bread. Dugans Bread. Cassou's Bread Truck, ca. 1950s. Mary Jane Bread Trucks, ca. 1950s.

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