objective c examples site:stackoverflow.com - EAS

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  1. Good example code for Objective-C - Stack Overflow


    2011年4月6日 · Step 1: It's called “Objective-C”, not “objective C”. If you really want to see how the internals of Objective-C work, I'd read The Objective-C Programming Language, and then read the documentation for the Objective-C Runtime. That should give you a pretty thorough …

    • 評論數: 3
    • Objective c syntax - Stack Overflow


      2011年10月29日 · The equivalent in Java is object.methodName (); In Objective C you can also 'nest' calls in [] brackets. [ [Classname method1] method2] is equivalent to calling the class …

      • 評論數: 1
      • Open source Objective-C projects with high quality code?


        2017年5月23日 · 1. I used to work on the GNUstep sources, they've got a good consistent coding style and the code is well-organised. Of course the project is hardly small, but given that you …

      • How do I call an Objective C function? - Stack Overflow


        2010年4月13日 · How to call a function in Objective C? For example: I define the function in header (.h file): - (void)abc and implement this function in implementation file (.m file): - …

        [self abc:@"Yoop" paramName2:@"Woop"];
      • Objective C - How can I create an interface? - Stack Overflow


        2010年8月26日 · You declare a "protocol" (Objective-C's interfaces) using. @protocol MyProtocol <BaseProtocol1,...,BaseProtocolN> //methods and properties @end. where <BaseProtocol> is …

      • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7010678

        Cocoacontrols has a wide range of controls written using Objective-C & Swift. I believe these days, this is one of the most famous website for iOS Developers. But, before you jump onto …

      • Want to learn Objective-C but syntax is very confusing


        2010年6月10日 · Objective C's dynamic implementation of objects is a bit different that Java or C++ and has a different look to it, perhaps due to the Smalltalk-inspired approach. Go with …

      • Basic Objective-C syntax: "%@"? - Stack Overflow


        There is no automatic concatentation using the plus sign (+), because NSString* is a pointer type, and Objective-C is a strict superset of C, and so, consequently, adding to an NSString* object …

      • Protocol Naming in Objective C - Stack Overflow


        In the examples you cite (UITableView & NSURLConnection) the associated protocols are implemented by a delegate object - a different object that conforms to the delegate protocol. …

      • What is "->" in Objective C? - Stack Overflow


        2010年12月26日 · When we have a struct available locally on the stack, we access its members with the . operator. For example: CGPoint p = CGPointMake (42,42); NSLog (@"%f", p.x); …

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