século xx wikipedia - EAS

21-24 of 39 results
  1. Século – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

    https://pt.wikipedia.org › wiki › Século

    Um século é uma unidade de tempo que equivale a cem anos.Logo, meio século equivale a 50 anos; e 10 séculos equivalem a 1 000 anos, ou seja, um milênio.. É fundamental se observar que um século começa no início de um ano "01" e termina no ano "00" posterior mais próximo — por exemplo, o século XX começou em 1º de janeiro de 1901 e terminou em 31 de dezembro de …

  2. Political boss - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Political_boss

    History. The appearance of bosses has been common since the Roman Republic, and remains fairly common or maybe widespread today.In Spanish America, Brazil, Spain, and Portugal political bosses called caciques hold power in many places; while in Italy they are often referred to as ras. Bosses were a major part of the political landscape during the 19th and early 20th …

  3. Modern Library 100 Best Nonfiction - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Modern_Library_100_Best_Nonfiction

    The Modern Library 100 Best Nonfiction was created in 1998 by the Modern Library.The list is what it considers to be the 100 best non-fiction books published since 1900. The list included memoirs, textbooks, polemics, and collections of essays.A separate list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century was created the same year.. The following table shows the top ten books from …

  4. XX wiekWikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

    https://pl.wikipedia.org › wiki › XX_wiek

    XX wiek w metodologii historii. Według periodyzacji stosowanej w pracach historycznych XX wiek niekoniecznie rozpoczął się w 1901 roku. Ze względu na przemiany w różnych dziedzinach życia za datę graniczną uznaje się częściej 1914 lub 1918 rok. Data końcowa dotąd nie została ustalona, ale w coraz liczniejszych opracowaniach uznaje się za nią 1989 lub 1991 rok.

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