Last updated: 11/04/2020
HotaVN is a completely free language learning community for everyone.
During the use of HotaVN, you may not copy, distribute or publish any materials (images, sounds, lessons, ...) belonging to HotaVN without the prior consent of HotaVN. . All lessons are the absolute and exclusive property of HotaVN!
HotaVN encourages users to upload their own sharing instead of copying from the internet. We also strictly prohibit COPY and then edit the source as our own. Articles copied from the internet without a source will result in a warning and the article may be removed. You should present it fully, beautifully, clearly, should highlight the title of each section in the Forum post. You should also avoid abbreviations.
If you violate one of the above, we will remove your messages, posts, images, ... without notice. If you violate many times, you will most likely lose part or all of your access to HotaVN!
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